Adult Group Events

The SBANT is committed to serving individuals of all ages with Spina Bifida. This includes education and social events, as well as information and support.Each February, our Education Day will host an Adult Track with sessions focused on the needs of adults.  Following the sessions, SBANT will host a memorial to honor the lives of our Spina Bifida adults that we have lost in the last year.  This will be followed by an evening social at a local venue.  We encourage our adults to attend all of our main association events, including the WalkNRoll, Easter Egg Hunt, Eduation Day, Holiday Party and much more.  We encourage our adults to volunteer at our events, including Camp TLC.  It is a great way for them to give back and to encourage younger families with children with Spina Bifida.We also share many online educational seminars and opportunities for our adults and encourage them to participate, especially the SBA sessions designed for them.
Our adults frequently gather on their closed Facebook Group.  We have recently begun establishing an SBANT Adult Advisory Council to assist in the growth and support of our adults.  If you would like to be a part of our Adult Advisory Council, please contact Adult Group Chair Megan Williams at
RSVP to Megan
Join the Adult Facebook Group Here
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