New and Expectant Parent Counseling
Being diagnosed with a child with spina bifida can be a scary time. Googling information and pictures can be overwhelming and not completely accurate. We are here to help! Please call our Executive Director at 214-728-9294 if you would like to speak to someone about our association and services. We have persons trained to speak to expectant and new parents. You can also email us at We can put you in touch with other parents and let you know what resources are available.
A great resource is the Spina Bifida Association website page for expectant parents. There is information and fact sheets available specifically for you. Click HERE to visit that page.
Resources for Parents
One of the best resources parents have is each other. SBANT moms have created a closed Facebook group where they can talk to each other about resources, lean on each other for support and develop life-long friendships for themselves and their children. To request to be a part of this group, visit
We have other resources at the office that might help you, including literature and helpful information. Please contact us at so we can assist you!